Thursday, June 28, 2012

Born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Make your dreams come true! Take a look at my custom, limited,  one of a kind baby spoons-order one today for your special baby. Contact Ellen.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What a great weekend w/my graduating class from BC. I am not telling the year naturally. We started at 11:00AM at the museum on campus and viewed w/a docent a wonderful exhibit-RURAL IRELAND. Who would have thought. The paintings and drawings were just wonderful. I learned allot of history about the 1800's to the 1950's.
I met wonderful people who I didn't know years ago. So, that was a gift!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wondering about all those days gone by & how did it happen so fast. Walked around Copley Square trying to figure out if it had changed, did I change or did we both change. Newberry Street is such a pretty street to walk down and around. Great stores.
 What do you think?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!! Modeling pics Paris continued!

Rode my bike along the river today. The bike path is amazing. A beautiful day!
Reminded me of this photo from back in the day. A Japanese photographer took some test shots one day and we went sight seeing around Paris. From the test, came some work for his client in Japan. It feels like it was so much easier to combine work and play back then. What do you think?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Auntie & great Sag buddies

 Went on a print go-see today for FFT. My character was an over the top Auntie who hits the bottle at 4PM. I wasn't going to go on the go-see but my Sag buddies yesterday on the set of Notorious-Deb & Sue really encouraged me to go on the go-see. in fact, I ran into Sue who looked like a fabulous Auntie!!! It was so much fun getting ready for this interview.

Then I went to SNL for rehearsal at 4:00PM. What a great day, eh??