Thursday, June 28, 2012

Born with a silver spoon in your mouth? Make your dreams come true! Take a look at my custom, limited,  one of a kind baby spoons-order one today for your special baby. Contact Ellen.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What a great weekend w/my graduating class from BC. I am not telling the year naturally. We started at 11:00AM at the museum on campus and viewed w/a docent a wonderful exhibit-RURAL IRELAND. Who would have thought. The paintings and drawings were just wonderful. I learned allot of history about the 1800's to the 1950's.
I met wonderful people who I didn't know years ago. So, that was a gift!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Wondering about all those days gone by & how did it happen so fast. Walked around Copley Square trying to figure out if it had changed, did I change or did we both change. Newberry Street is such a pretty street to walk down and around. Great stores.
 What do you think?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!! Modeling pics Paris continued!

Rode my bike along the river today. The bike path is amazing. A beautiful day!
Reminded me of this photo from back in the day. A Japanese photographer took some test shots one day and we went sight seeing around Paris. From the test, came some work for his client in Japan. It feels like it was so much easier to combine work and play back then. What do you think?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Auntie & great Sag buddies

 Went on a print go-see today for FFT. My character was an over the top Auntie who hits the bottle at 4PM. I wasn't going to go on the go-see but my Sag buddies yesterday on the set of Notorious-Deb & Sue really encouraged me to go on the go-see. in fact, I ran into Sue who looked like a fabulous Auntie!!! It was so much fun getting ready for this interview.

Then I went to SNL for rehearsal at 4:00PM. What a great day, eh??

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Loving the rain & missing Paris

Love the rain, the way it swimming in the pool.
Soon my view of the Hudson will be obstructed by a new high rise, but until then I enjoy looking out the window and seeing the river.

This picture reminds me that I was looking out a window that had been sprayed with window cleaner!! Special Effects!

Let me know what u think? Thanks

Friday, March 30, 2012

Jewelry & SAG

Well, today I participated in the filming of the last day of Gossip Girl...
Here are 2 samples that my photographer friend Leigh photographed of my 2 of my jewelry designs. More to come!!
Please join my blog and make comments or give me some ideas about what you want to discuss.
Now that we are now Aftra & SAG, anyone joining me for the Casting in May in Boston area on the weekend of my birthday? Any takers?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What's happening now!

My photographer friend, Leigh is helping me put photos together for my baby spoons and jewelry business.
Am tired from working on the set of 30 Rock yesterday and looking forward working on Gossip Girl for tomorrow.
The creative process is so fulfilling. I am glad that I have friends to share the experience.

Monday, March 26, 2012

modeling Continued & Sag work

Tomorrow I'll be a hand model. Tired. Saw Mirror Mirror today and it was quite fun. Keeping it simple today

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chocolate Milk & Americana

When I was 5 years old in Kindergarten, Mondays were the day that the nuns teaching our class at St. Francis De Sales grade school would collect the money for our milk break. I forget how much money was needed but I vividly remember to this day that my mother would sometimes forget to give me my milk money.
The time for the collection was announced and the nuns routinely went around to everyone asking for their contribution.  I would sit in my area wherever I was (remember it’s kindergarten) and if I didn’t have my money. I would feel such shame. I wouldn’t say anything but I would just look at the floor feeling so so sad. Sometimes, tears would come to my eyes. The nun would have to get on her knees to talk to me because I was so frigid and detached. She would say to me that it was ok that I didn’t have my money. I still would not acknowledge her, the shame overwhelming me. She would ask me if I wanted plain or chocolate? I’d always say chocolate but still staring at the floor and in such emotional pain. I remember one of the nuns had to actually pry my hands opened to give me my milk. 
After school, I would tell my mother that I needed money for milk. I don’t know if the nuns called my mother or if they gave me a note but I know I always remembered to tell her I needed my milk money on the Mondays she forgot.
But, by the weekend, I would forget. Monday would roll around and I would be off in the car with my mother to be dropped off at school while she went to do something for or about my alcoholic father. Or, maybe she was going to work as a substitute teacher, typing teacher in the local junior high school. Mom had allot on her shoulders when I was 5.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Modeling Continued & SAG fun!

Three different photos? Ellis Island was fun but Paris was sweeter & easier? How old do I look in the Paris pic-let's not talk about how old I am as a 1921 nurse-that's vintage enough! Please let me know.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

modeling & baby spoons

Add caption
 Do I look like a nurse or a nun?
Anyhow, does any one have any ideas about how I should reach my target market of people who would like to buy custom made, fine art, one of a kind, solid sterling baby spoons as a gifts- grandparents, godparents, friends or neighbors who would like to express to the newborn that they are born "with a silver spoon".

Saturday, March 17, 2012

modeling continued......Two different continents!

 Can't even remember what time in the AM this photo was taken. Maybe 4 or 5AM. So much fun doing period pieces. Can you guess what year this costume is from??

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

modeling continued......Two different continents!

 This Gunnar photo was over the top fun. I was kneeling on a stack of phone books at a window and he was spraying windex onto the window to get the affect shown in the picture. Any second, I thought  I would be off the Stack onto the floor!

Monday, March 12, 2012

modeling continued......Two different continents!

Gunnar was such a funny-more peculiar photographer to work with. He was so ahead of his time. The studio was right around the corner from Joe Allen's where I would have my tunafish, french country bread & cafe au lait then go to Gunnar's and produce pictures like this in the afternoon. It was such a dream. He was so about the model. It was a joy to work with him.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

modeling continued......Two different continents!

Skit got cut from SNL-Boo-Hoo; the opening was great. Whatcha you think?
Anyhow, went to the MJSA trade show today and sat with tooth picks in my eyes on 4 hours sleep at the Bead Society Booth and made a new friend named Melissa. We walked from the Hilton through Times Square and the energy was just that sunshine! More new pics tomorrow.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Modeling continued......Two different continents!

Two different photo sessions; two different looks; two different continents; two different people? Feels like it sometimes.

I look around and feel like I missed the boat when it comes to where I could have been. I just didn’t know back in the day that I was submerged in a "golden" opportunity years ago in the 70's when I was "discovered" by Eileen Ford's booker agent in a restaurant in the Village! What direction/s would my life have taken if I didn’t return to BC to finish my degree but stayed in Paris? Who knows? What do you think?
So, here I am today working SNL-What fun! Am I picking up the beat from “back then”? What do you think?? Love to hear!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Modeling continued......

They keep asking for big hair in these castings, I keep submitting & still am not being called. From back in the day, isn't my hair big enough! What do you think?? Let me know!Thanks, Check out my blog

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Modeling Continued

Well which photo do you think most people would
like better, Paris(solo shot) or Barcelona(hand on pocket and knee?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Modeling Continued

Worked today on Gossip Girl, feels like 3 different lives-Barcelona, Paris, New York; Life feels like "a bowl of cherries" sometimes. What do you think?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Modeling Pics Continued-Barcelona

My first professional modeling picture in Europe-the one the bellhops in the Generalissimo Hotel saw first featured inside the cover of OULA magazine.

The photographer only worked with experienced models. The woman with me in the ad was a model who apparently was very popular in Paris. When the picture came out, she got so angry at me because everyone was saying in the restaurants and discos how much better I looked than she did-SO, she went to the photographer and told him that it was my first picture and he wouldn’t use me again. 
My introduction to the camaraderie of my fellow mannequins at work revisited.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Modeling Pic Continued in Barcelona, spain

When I was in Barcelona Franco was still alive. It was a strange experience seeing military line the streets with guns and having to cross the streets at the corner-when the light was green. I found that out one day when I jay walked and was escorted back to my hotel by the military. I was warned-NO jay walking in Barcelona. But, at the same time, the bell hops for the hotel had my first professional  modeling  picture to show me. It was on the inside cover of OULA! magazine. Bittersweet.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Modeling Pics Continued

This was one of my first modeling pictures in Spain. We were taking pictures at a castle near Barcelona. I actually had a guide who was talking to me about the castle as we shot pictures. It was so much fun. It was such a nice way to work and play at the same time-and, get some education!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Paris Continued

Yes, it is wonderful looking back on memories from 19??. It is fun to think about how much the area around The Musee Pompidou has changed. There were so many museums & ateliers to visit back in the day & I did!! It was a tremendous gift living in Paris as a 20 year old-Eileen thought I was 16 years old!! The day!!! Oh! La-La!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Paris Continued & Bead Society of GNY GARAGE SALE TONIGHT

Hi All, Instead of dwelling in 19?? for today in Paris, Let's see what is happening in NY city tonight. I'll be selling some old and new treasures at the Annual NY BEAD SOCIETY GARAGE Sale-ANYTHING GOES at FIT-A Building @ 8th ave & 27th, 8th Floor. Come stop by!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Paris Continued & Billy Hipkins

All the shoots were great fun at Gunnar's studio, but I am going to switch gears for one day and talk about Billy Hipkins' One Man Show called:FOR THE BENEFIT OF MISS JENNIS GOURLAY. I saw the show last night and it is fabulous. Billy explores how the one shoot from the gun of Booth may or may not have changed the life of Jennie Goulay. Billy expertly weaves his experience with what he knows of Jennie Goulay and we are all educated in the process. A MUST SEE!! A FABULOUS  AT THE THEATER!!! CONGRATS BILLY HIPKINS AND PERRY DELL'AQUILA(BILLY'S DIRECTOR)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Another fun day shooting outside Gunnar's studio, the same makeup as the Lingerie photo. Do you think that I look like the same person?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Paris Continued

The makeup was really Gunnar’s trademark too. A white creamy stick applied all over the face with dark charcoal used where blush and eye showdown would be applied. It was fascinating to watch the results form before my eyes!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paris continued

I remember arriving at Gunnar’s studio that was right around the corner from Joe Allen’s and what is now, the Musee Pompidou. I would eat lunch at Joe’s cuz they served tuna fish! My taste buds can be sooooo pedestrian. Anyhow, parked directly in front of the studio was an Oldsmobile. Incredible. That was our photo studio for the day.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Model Pictures from France

Where do you think this modeling picture was taken and what year? it took me a long time to work with this photographer because he felt I was too Americana, too much of the all American type. What do you think people thought when they looked at this Pic?